Susan Sturm is the George M. Jaffin Professor of Law and Social Responsibility and the founding director of the Center for Institutional and Social Change at Columbia Law School. Her scholarship and teaching focus on antidiscrimination, advancing full participation in institutions and systems; lawyering and leadership, reimagining justice institutions, and the role of law in advancing institutional and social change. She collaborates with a wide variety of higher education, artistic, government, criminal justice, and community based organizations and networks involved in initiatives aimed at organizational and culture change, leadership development, supporting the leadership of directly affected communities, building anti-racist institutions, and increasing full participation. She is the foundation chair of the Leadership Development Working Group at Columbia Law School, and the co-designer of a new course on Lawyer Leadership: Leading Self, Leading Others, Leading Change. She serves as the Vice President and Director of Policy for the Tony award winning Broadway Advocacy Coalition, and co-creator of a course at Columbia Law School called The Theater of Change: Reimagining Justice Through Abolition. She serves as the principal investigator on grants for the Paralegal Pathways Initiative, and a grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to address race and bias in the Massachusetts Trial Courts. She has received the College Partner Award from College Initiative and Hudson Link. In 2007, she received the Presidential Teaching Award for Outstanding Teaching at Columbia University.